Does each person in my organization need their own login?

Yes. We ask for each person to have their own individual credentials so that we can streamline communication to the proper individuals.

Adding additional users is simple. In the navigation at the top, select users. On the left side, there will be a link to add additional users. Once entered, they will receive an individual email to set their password.

There is no limit to the number of users you have in your organization. You can edit or delete users at any time.

What if I operate under multiple vendor numbers within Rural King - do I need to register all of them?

Multiple vendor numbers within Rural King are not that uncommon.

If your organization has several vendor numbers, but operates under one legal entity, then you need to sign up with just one of those numbers. When you register, an email is sent to the Category Manager over your product, and they have the ability to link up all your vendor numbers under one master file.

If your organization has several vendor numbers, and each of those numbers operates under its own legal entity, then you will be required to register under each one of those entities.

Is Rural King close to getting EFT for payments?

Is Rural King looking at taking pre-paid truckload programs to collect?